Lorem Within a Latent Space
Archive About Flux
AV Performance
NXT Museum X ARS Electronica

AV Performance commissioned by NXT Museum Amsterdam x Ars Electronica (Kepler's Garden), september 2020
Curated by Bogomir Doringer
Online panel in conversation with Sari Depreeuw

Nature doesn't exist at all. The idea of Nature is an Artificial representation made by cultural devices with the very precise intention to maintain the status quo. Nature is a power structure. The whole Reality (just like history) is a battlefield, where myriads of agencies will constantly fight to set new systems of interdependencies.

Once embraced an anti naturalistic vision, some borders start melting: between natural and artificial matters, reality and its representations (because everything is representation!), intelligence and AI, original and his copy, and in the end Space and Time, truth and fiction. Old divisions will give way to sparks & frictions, to the vectors that cross the Latent Space we inhabit and to their Eternal Struggle for linguistic supremacy. Because Language is the tool we have to order things, to organize them in a linear sequence and to experience time. Language creates Nature.

Once we denaturalize reality (and our own perception), once we look at the world as a huge representation, we can question the agencies operating in our ecosystem.